Credit counselling in Brampton, as well as in other areas in Canada, is an effective debt management program that has helped many debtors solve overwhelming debt problems. The objective of the program is to empower the debtor through education, budgeting and other tools to help him reduce and ultimately eliminate his debt.
Credit counselling is typically done by credit counseling agencies that have a team of qualified credit counsellors or debt counsellors who have obtained the necessary training and education to expertly find solutions for consumers in debt. They can act in your behalf to negotiate with your creditors to stop the collection calls and put you on a path to a debt solution that you can afford so you can regain control over your financial life.
There are basically three steps in credit counselling.
In the first step, credit counsellors will evaluate your financial situation. They will obtain a list of all your assets and household income and compare this with a list of all your expenses and debts. In this way, they’ll help you get a clear picture of how your monthly living costs are exceeding your income, how much your total debt load is, and how your debts are increasing month by month due to surcharge fees and high interest rates.
After analyzing your debt and income levels, the second step is to recommend possible credit solutions and to help you determine the best option that is most affordable to you. The most popular solution is to consolidate debt through a Debt Management Program (DMP). In a DMP, you would authorize a qualified credit counsellor to negotiate with each of your creditors to lower your monthly amount due, to lower the interest rate of each loan, to waive late fees that are outstanding and then to consolidate all your debts into a single loan payment. The credit counsellor will be handling all the details for you, from negotiating to consolidating the debts as well as setting up a fund transfer method, placing your funds in an insured trust account, setting up timely payments to creditors and monitoring those payments. Your credit counsellor can also find another solution in cases where DMP is not an option. These option can include negotiating a debt relief from your creditors where a partial amount or the whole amount of your debt is forgiven or help you obtain a debt consolidation loan which will allow you to make just one payment for all your unsecured debts.
The third step in credit counseling services involves helping you acquire the financial knowledge and skills you need to live your new life free of bad debt. This will require you to attend one-on-one counselling sessions with your credit counselor and joining group courses and seminars that will teach you how to rebuild your credit history, how to manage a budget and stick to it, and how to use credit properly to improve your credit score.
Credit counselling services in Brampton can help any resident find the best strategy to pay off debt. But, not only that. The range of services are also designed to effectively help anyone get back on track and keep their life debt free once the program is completed.